Support & FAQ
A. General Questions & Ordering
B. Installation
C. Trouble Shooting
D. Other Questions
E. Information Exchange (ask other users for help, discuss all kinds of POD related questions)
A. General Questions
What payment options are available and how secure is ordering? You can pay by credit or debit card, by wire transfer, by check and cash. Can the PODToolkit's harm my POD ? No, they can't Will you do some strange tricks with my POD ? No, the output of the PODToolkit's are 'normal' POD system files. You can install it into the POD in the same way as with any official POD update. Will Line6 support the modifications, what happened in case of any warranty problems ? No, Line6 will not support the modification / upgrades. In case you have a warranty problem install an official POD system file before you send your POD to be repaired. Can I upgrade to any new POD system file Line6 may provide in the future ? Yes, you can install any old, the current or any future POD system file. During any system file update the old data will be erased and overridden with the new one.
B. Installation
What steps are needed to modify my POD ? The usage of the toolkit is very easy - you need only three steps: 1. Get the .xtf file (download it from the Line6 Homepage or get it out of the POD using the Line6 Monkey)
Here is an step by step instruction: 1) Get a current OS for your POD - it's a file with the extension .xtf
You need the Line6 toolkit 'Line6Monkey' -Select the register tab called 'Updates'. That's all
How to Use the PODToolkits to upgrade the .xtf file Each toolkit includes a readme.txt file and a help system (menu '?' in the toolkit) please check it for further assistance.
C. Trouble Shooting The tool is not installed in the right way, either the username or the password was not entered EXACTLY as provided by the email you received after the purchase. You have to reinstall the tool to use it. Please check the file readme.txt for more details. I 've got an error message 'Not a POD XT System file' or 'Not a 'POD XT Live System File' ! The file you tried to convert was not a 'POD XT' / 'POD XT Live' system file. I don't see all the new Amp names from OS 3.0x ! The toolkit was build for OS version 2.x, so only the old amp names will be changed in case you use it for version 3.0x OS. Check the section 'How to modify the changes (for advanced users)' in the toolkit help menu (menu ?) for more information about it. Here is a new file for the POD XTLive 3.0x (click here) Search for the installation folder of the PodCustomToolkit and replace the old file 'replace.ini' with this new version. Then you will get all the new amps translated into the right real names.
D. Other Questions Can I use Line6Edit after installing the upgrades ? Yes, you can. But the Line6Edit toolkit will show the factory model names. Latest tested version : 3.00 Build 96 What is the latest tested .xtf version ? Latest tested version : 3.01
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